PennState College of Agricultural Sciences

PennState College of Agricultural Sciences

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Session 6 - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning with Dr. Rice

February 17th
Guest Speakers:
Dr. Laura Rice
Dr. Tracy Hoover
Dr. Micheal Tews

What are you curious about?

  • The time expectations for collecting SoTL. Is it usually a side project that specific disciplines take on or something that some people specialize in and collect throughout disciplines?
    • This is dependent upon your position description, but most all tenure-track positions asks for some evidence of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning which can have many forms.
  • Effective teaching and classroom management for your personality strengths
    • I am not sure I understand what you are asking, but I will share that there is NOT one way to be successful. Authenticity and sincerity to self is of the upmost importance, but all teaching should have basic components of organization, variability, and clarity.
  • Challenges for female instructors, particularly with classroom management.
    • If you would like, I would strongly recommend simply reaching out to successful female instructors in your discipline and around you and asking them for their thoughts. I am sure Dr. Hoover would love a conversation. Mentoring is available, but you must seek it out. If you need help selecting someone to talk to, please just email me directly and I will connect you with someone.
  • Developing the characteristics of a good teacher.
    • Comes from practice!
  • More about how to incorporate FUN in the classroom
    • Same advise as classroom management. Seek out someone to ask and talk to. If you need assistance, please email me directly.
  • What kind of cliches exist in teaching?
    • I am unsure what you are looking for in your question, but would be glad to discuss face to face if you so choose.

What did you learn?

  1. NACTA exists and is awesome. I definitely look forward to taking advantage of it. 
  2. Much more detail about SoTL and a better idea of where our SoTL assignment is going
  3. Several tactics from Dr. Tews for being a better teacher, particularly ways to create a more engaging learning experience, and reduce distractions and lateness among students. 
  4. Learned about NACTA which is a professional society that focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning in agriculture and related disciplines at the postsecondary level.
  5. More on how to manage students!
  6. How to integrate fun into the classroom.

What do you want to learn more about?

  • What are the expectations of the presentation for Assgt 6? Will it occur during class or outside of class?
  • Moving from a teacher who's going through the motions to becoming committed to Scholarship of Teaching & Learning. 
    • Great! Our experiential assignments will help with this process!
  • Assignment 6 and more detail on section II. 
    • Please email specific questions that still exist after reviewing the documents in the Assignment Folder referenced above. I would be glad to review any drafts ahead of schedule.
  • How to be successful in my career?
    • Persistence

Week 6 Instructor Video Reflection

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