As a student in AEE 530 this semester, I am responsible for creating a syllabus for a course on a topic that I would be interested in teaching in the future. During the process of the assignment, I had the opportunity to obtain feedback from several of my fellow classmates and professors in a “snapshot” session, as well as a “deep dive” with a specific partner in the class. This blog post details the comments I received and how I decided to address each of them.
After reviewing the feedback I received during each of these parts of the assignment, from people I considered to be “prospective students” interested in taking my course, a few key points about how I had structured my syllabus emerged. In particular, there were sections of my syllabus that I initially thought were well-structured or complete, but were viewed by others as confusing. A few details and other sections were also revealed to be missing. These points made it clear that my syllabus was not as student-centered as possible. The syllabus should serve as a guide that students, and me as the instructor too, would follow for success in the course. Therefore, incorporating changes and additional information was necessary for me to improve my work in the final assignment. I was also able to clearly see the parts of my syllabus that others thought were clear. As a result, I was able to focus my time and effort on addressing areas that needed attention.
In the “snapshot” sessions, I received the following feedback and addressed it as follows:
· Some of my terminology (including class locations and course abbreviations) were not all from the same university system. This was an issue of consistency and appropriate to update; everything reflects Penn State’s standards, since I am currently a student here, but recognize that these details could change depending on the campus I teach my course at in the future.
· Several of my course objectives, while worded well overall, were “double-barreled” and needed to be split into individual objectives or goals. I’ve created a section for course goals (broad) and a separate section for course objectives (narrow). However, I am not entirely certain that my course objectives are correctly phrased and also think I may have too many course goals (there are currently 19). This is a section that I would like additional feedback on for the assignment, but also use in future projects.
· It was mentioned that I could add a section of “assignments addressed” to my course schedule, so that students would know what was being covered in lecture/lab that they would be later evaluated on. As a part of this, I was also suggested that I number my assessments in the course. I chose to do both of these items because I felt like it made it clear that if a student missed a session, they could miss information for 2-8 assessments! Having this information could also help me, as an instructor, better connect information in the course to students’ assignments each session.
· Since I don’t have a TA established for the course at this time, I have not added this information to my syllabus. In the future, should I have one (which would make for a great instructional team, I feel), I would certainly include all of their contact information and office hours on the syllabus.
· It was indicated that the required/recommended text/materials sections were a bit long. I agreed, and tried to find ways to make them shorter, but they were also found to be missing details, so now they are a little longer. I’m not sure if there is anything that can be shortened here or not – this is another area I’d like feedback on specifically for future projects. I want students to know what they need access to, how much it costs (I added a “total estimated cost” section, as suggested), and why it is necessary for the course, but don’t want to overwhelm them with information.
· One of my peers said that they’d never take a class with 2 exams in a single week. When I looked back at my schedule, to see if changing this structure was an option, I decided not to since the materials covered in the lecture and lab exams focus on the same topics. If students study for one, I hope that it helps them to study for both and do better on each of them. I also hope the review sessions I included as a part of class time helps them better prepare for these evaluations.
· I was asked about my attendance policy for the course. Attendance is required in the “student expectations” section, the “assessments section”, and now also part of the “assignments addressed” on the course schedule so that students can see that each day is part of this assessment. That said, I didn’t want students to confuse the “assignments addressed” column as a “deadlines” section (it’s not), so not all of the assessments are included as listed on the days that they are due (only this one is) – doing so would have been redundant with the “assessments” section. This seemed like a good balance, but feedback on other ways to approach this would be appreciated.
· The lab/lecture numbers in my course schedule were also a bit confusing for several people at first glance, so I’ve worked to specify lectures and labs more distinctly in this column.
· Many students felt that my “course significance” and “course goals” sections should be reordered and moved closer to the course description, and before the required/recommended text/materials sections. I’ve moved them up, since I agreed, but they are still after the “estimated total cost” section, since I want students to know how much extra they may need to budget for my course and I felt that the course description covers enough of the details about the topic to get them interested and keep them reading if they like it.
In the “deep dive” process, I received this additional feedback (thank you, Devin!) and addressed it as follows:
· It was suggested that I clarify the course numbers at the beginning of my syllabus. I have two course numbers because my course is designed for enrolment by both undergraduates and graduate students. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to better represent this than with “#/#” and I think it has been standard to do this, based on the few courses I’ve been in which have this aspect, when they have the same instructor, to keep things consistent between all of the students. The lab and the lecture are co-enrolled as well, so there isn’t a separate number for each of them.
· I have now specified that textbooks would be purchased from the instructor. I had assumed this was implied, but assumptions shouldn’t be made since everyone has the ability to interpret things differently – this was a helpful reminder!
· The budget for the class is now detailed, as outlined above. I’m glad that most people seemed to think this would help students! I agreed, but it wasn’t something I’d thought of previously.
· It was suggested that I add a repercussion to something to keep students accountable for maintaining and returning materials borrowed during the course. I agreed, so I’ve adapted and added this section.
· I had some minor redundant information under the materials that were not required, but were recommended, that I hadn’t realized was repetitive, so I’ve removed this to make it simpler. It also helped make it a bit shorter overall.
· I retained the Bloom’s verbs for my objectives (since they are great and we all agreed on that), even though this section is now split up based on feedback from others in the course.
· My course significance was good, but the stronger “why” needed to be more strongly represented, so I’ve added a new sentence to strengthen this aspect. It was clear to me that making the importance of my course topic more obvious to students should help them decide if the class is something that they want to engage in or not. It may also help maintain their motivation in the course throughout the semester.
· Everyone liked that I’d included essential questions for each week of the course, but Devin also specifically suggested moving them up ahead of the lecture/lab topic column. I didn’t end up putting them where she suggested (as this would have made connecting the topics to specific calendar dates difficult), but I did move them ahead in the column. I agree with the reasoning behind this suggestion too – posing the question first may better engage students’ thinking in the specific topics being discussed that week.
· I tried to make lecture/lab term use more consistent. This is something that I didn’t realize could be interpreted as inconsistent in my original draft, so it was helpful to have it pointed out.
· One of my sections is about a field trip schedule, and I also require field trips as part of a separate attendance grade. To make things more clear and connect this for students, as suggested, I’ve added a short line about the requirement to the general field trip schedule section of the syllabus.
· Devin (and at least one other fellow classmate) felt that my assessments section may have had too many details and would overwhelm students, or that details would not be able to be changed later in the class. These are valid concerns and I think this section was a challenge to balance because of them. Others felt that my descriptions were of an appropriate length and didn’t need any changes. I ultimately chose not to change this section for a few of reasons: 1) leaving some of the details would help students connect the assessments to the course topics, goals, and objectives, 2) I want students to realize the amount of time and effort some of the assignments will take ahead of time (before they get a separate handout with the instructions and rubric for each assignment) so that they can plan their semester, and 3) I have included the minimum necessary standards/expectations for each assignment, which will not change at any point.
· Similarly, I didn’t have a grading policy, so I added a short note and have referenced that each assessment will have its own specific requirements.
· I also hadn’t specified a make-up policy for my course and this is now outlined fully. I realized that having this specified in the syllabus would be beneficial for both myself and my potential future students. This will allow them to make plans, and allow me to have an established protocol for keeping students and myself accountable.
· My Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) & University Student Disability Resources section has been improved with details that Penn State requires in syllabi, but this section could also be flexible depending on the university my course would be offered at. Considering and including a university’s requirements is necessary when developing a syllabus. In general though, I agree with Penn State’s information provided in this section (as well as the Academic Integrity section, which I’ve also updated to align with Penn State’s since I’m currently a student here), and would include these sections/applicable details even if they were not required.
· I did not have an established late policy, so I have added one (it will be helpful for reinforcing student expectations), but I am not sure at this time if it is as effectively worded as I would like it to be. This is something that I would like feedback on.
· I chose not to add more specific lab policies to my syllabus as this is likely to change depending on the university, possibly even by semester, and I do include a statement about how they will be reviewed and acknowledged by students in the first lab session. I believe that this is enough to satisfy the requirement for the syllabus and adding more details might also be too much information for students at the start of the semester, or for those just considering taking my class.
· I have added a section detailing examination policies, since it was indicated that this could be clearer. I agreed, but am not sure if what I have now included is appropriate, if other possible details should be considered for inclusion, or if it could be worded better overall. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Overall, I believe that I addressed each of the concerns and suggestions made on my syllabus draft. Thank you, everyone, for sharing your critical, honest, and constructive feedback! This process was valuable and I think that the quality of my syllabus assignment is better as a result. I also know that I’ll use the insights I gained in future projects! I am also looking forward to further feedback, particularly in the areas noted above.